Titill: Heart of Noise (Bistro Boy Remix)

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Hailing from the enchanting landscapes of Iceland, Bistro Boy (Frosti Jonsson) is a maestro of ambient-infused soundscapes and downtempo electronica, named “one of the most creative Icelandic electronic projects that can use sounds to remove weight and gravity from reality". His music transcends boundaries, weaving a sonic tapestry that transports listeners to otherworldly realms.

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UK-based Turkish composer Elif Yalvaç takes her Nordic collaborative album My Heart of Noise to the next stage and releases a collaborative remix version of it with Icelandic label Möller Records.

“Mælifell” features artists from various countries including Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Armenia, UK, and Turkey. The album is a product of Elif Yalvaç’s extensive international collaborations with other artists in her search of pushing the boundaries and making the most of magical musical connections that contributed a lot to where she positions herself today.

As with the previous release, Maelifell is inspired by the stunning and dramatic Icelandic landscape. This time, there are new explorations in other lands too. The title refers to a volcano in Iceland while carrying the artist’s name in it: Mælifell. Elif Yalvaç has traveled to Iceland multiple times for musical collaborations and landscape explorations and field recordings. As the composer made her first return to Iceland in September 2023 after the pandemic, she performed in the experimental art space Mengi, from her adopted home the UK.

The remix album is part of Elif Yalvaç’s collaborations in Iceland but also beyond. This time, she takes it to her new adopted home, the UK, and to where she came from, Turkey, with a diverse set of electronic music artists joining her in this remix. Instruments artists use in the album include synthesizers, field recordings, and voice. Each artist picked a track from Elif Yalvaç’s previous collaborative album My Heart of Noise (April 2023) to remix with their own voice and methods in this album. The result is celestial ambient sounds with abrasive energy, remixed with Autechre-like beats and glitches while drawing on the unique diverse approaches of both Maelifell and My Heart of Noise participants. “Mælifell” differs from the previous record with a more accessible approach and beatmaking practices.

Remix Artists
ILKAMA (Norway)
Hjalti Steinn Sigurðarson / Hurtnopain (Iceland)
Nacite (Turkey)
Bananafish (UK)
Runar Magnusson (Iceland and Denmark)
Bistro Boy (Iceland)
Metehan Köktürk (Turkey)
Arus (Armenia, UK

Elif Yalvaç creates music using an array of instruments including guitars, synthesizers, field recordings, and Game Boy. Her music has received international acclaim including reviews in The Guardian, Electronic Sound, and The Wire, alongside international live appearances and broadcasts including BBC Radio 6 and Radio 3. Her works embrace opposites: microsound glitches and slow builds; celestial beauty and abrasive energy. Alongside her solo projects, she collaborates with others extensively, including experimental rock project Diaries of Destruction (March 2022) and her album Green Drift with Expert Sleepers (September 2022). Her most recent work My Heart of Noise (Möller Records – April 2023) is a collaboration with 9 artists from Nordic countries. She holds an MA degree in Sonic Arts from Istanbul Technical University in Turkey and regularly delivers workshops and podcasts on electronic music. Endorsed by Arts Council England, Elif is based in the UK with a Global Talent Visa. In addition to composition, performance, and production, she teaches electronic music at Guildhall School of Music & Drama (GSMD) in London, and Electronic Music Composition module at ARU. Elif is a member of RMA’s Music and/as Process committee. In addition, Elif co-hosts a monthly podcast titled “Talk to the Chip” on early works of electronic music together with Jono Podmore on Resonance FM. She also delivers guitar lessons in local community organisations. She also organises the bi-monthly live electronics event Heart of Noise Cambridge in association with Cambridge Junction.

released March 1, 2024

Mixed by participants and Elif Yalvaç
Produced by Elif Yalvaç
Mastered by Frosti Jonsson at URD MUSIK // www.urd-musik.com
Album Photo: Elif Yalvaç
Album Design: Jason Arber
Special Thanks: Michael Bearpark (Morleytron), Frosti Jonsson, Ríkharður H. Friðriksson, Magnús Bergsson, Ziggy Bearpark

Main Artist: Elif Yalvaç, Kristoffer Lislegaard, Charles Ross, Asalaus, Magnus Bergsson, Daniele Moog Girolamo, Wilma Hulten

Remix Artists: ILKAMA, Hurtnopain, Nacite, Bananafish, Runar Magnusson, Bistro Boy, Metehan Köktürk, Arus
(c) (p) Möller Records 2024
Afritað 21.8. 2024 af: https://moatun7.bandcamp.com/album/moa004

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