Upplýsingar á Bandcamp:
Violist Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti releases the first in a series of three digital albums chronicling her commissioning work with three prominent composers of our era. Icelandic composer Anna Thorvaldsdottir's atmospheric "Sola" for viola and electronics is featured on this first volume, along with engaging conversations between Lanzilotti and Thorvaldsdottir about the work and the process of collaboration.
released December 4, 2020
Sola electronics stems recorded by Greg Heimbecker at University of Northern Colorado Recording Studio in Greeley, CO
Sola electronics composed, edited, and mixed by Anna Thorvaldsdottir
Sola viola recorded and edited by Ryan Streber at Oktaven Audio in Mount Vernon, NY
Anna Thorvaldsdottir in Conversation with Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti recorded by Evan Chapman and Kevin Eikenberg of Four/Ten Media in Thorvaldsdottir’s Studio in Surrey, UK
Album mixed and mastered by Ryan Streber
Sola is part of The 20/19 Project — Commissioned by Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti with the generous support of Elizabeth & Justus Schlichting
Workshop in Surrey, UK supported by the University of Northern Colorado through an award from the Provost Fund for Faculty Scholarship and Professional Development
Supported in part by the Western Arts Alliance Advancing Indigenous Performance Native Launchpad program with funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts
Cover artwork by Jasmine Parsia
Afritað 29.3. 2022 af: