Futuregrapher er Árni Grétar Jóhannesson.
Kom einnig út á 7" hljómplötu.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
Artist and Möller co-owner Árni Grétar celebrates 10 years of life under the pseudonym Futuregrapher by releasing Hljóðsmali. Comes out in limited 7” vinyl release and in digital. Material was recorded with various hardware in 2017 in Goðheimar, Reykjavík. Respect to all my friends - thanks for the good times.
released July 2, 2017
Written, mixed and cover by: Árni Grétar
Mastered by: Frosti Jónsson
(c) Möller Records 2017
all rights reserved
Afritað 6.6. 2018 af: https://futuregrapher.bandcamp.com/album/hlj-smali
Futuregrapher er Árni Grétar Jóhannesson.
Kom einnig út á 7" hljómplötu.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
Artist and Möller co-owner Árni Grétar celebrates 10 years of life under the pseudonym Futuregrapher by releasing Hljóðsmali. Comes out in limited 7” vinyl release and in digital. Material was recorded with various hardware in 2017 in Goðheimar, Reykjavík. Respect to all my friends - thanks for the good times.
released July 2, 2017
Written, mixed and cover by: Árni Grétar
Mastered by: Frosti Jónsson
(c) Möller Records 2017
all rights reserved
Afritað 6.6. 2018 af: https://futuregrapher.bandcamp.com/album/hlj-smali