The Foghorns are: Bart Cameron, Katie Quigley, Rich Quigley, Jason Copec and Brandon Lucia. (Also: Kevin Firchow, Steve Firchow, Kristjan Oli Pjetursson and Bodvar Reynisson, who don't appear on this recording).
The Foghorns are: Bart Cameron, Katie Quigley, Rich Quigley, Jason Copec and Brandon Lucia. (Also: Kevin Firchow, Steve Firchow, Kristjan Oli Pjetursson and Bodvar Reynisson, who don't appear on this recording).
The Foghorns are: Bart Cameron, Katie Quigley, Rich Quigley, Jason Copec and Brandon Lucia. (Also: Kevin Firchow, Steve Firchow, Kristjan Oli Pjetursson and Bodvar Reynisson, who don't appear on this recording).
The Foghorns are: Bart Cameron, Katie Quigley, Rich Quigley, Jason Copec and Brandon Lucia. (Also: Kevin Firchow, Steve Firchow, Kristjan Oli Pjetursson and Bodvar Reynisson, who don't appear on this recording).
The Foghorns are: Bart Cameron, Katie Quigley, Rich Quigley, Jason Copec and Brandon Lucia. (Also: Kevin Firchow, Steve Firchow, Kristjan Oli Pjetursson and Bodvar Reynisson, who don't appear on this recording).
The Foghorns are: Bart Cameron, Katie Quigley, Rich Quigley, Jason Copec and Brandon Lucia. (Also: Kevin Firchow, Steve Firchow, Kristjan Oli Pjetursson and Bodvar Reynisson, who don't appear on this recording).
The Foghorns are: Bart Cameron, Katie Quigley, Rich Quigley, Jason Copec and Brandon Lucia. (Also: Kevin Firchow, Steve Firchow, Kristjan Oli Pjetursson and Bodvar Reynisson, who don't appear on this recording).
The Foghorns are: Bart Cameron, Katie Quigley, Rich Quigley, Jason Copec and Brandon Lucia. (Also: Kevin Firchow, Steve Firchow, Kristjan Oli Pjetursson and Bodvar Reynisson, who don't appear on this recording).
The Foghorns are: Bart Cameron, Katie Quigley, Rich Quigley, Jason Copec and Brandon Lucia. (Also: Kevin Firchow, Steve Firchow, Kristjan Oli Pjetursson and Bodvar Reynisson, who don't appear on this recording).
The Foghorns are: Bart Cameron, Katie Quigley, Rich Quigley, Jason Copec and Brandon Lucia. (Also: Kevin Firchow, Steve Firchow, Kristjan Oli Pjetursson and Bodvar Reynisson, who don't appear on this recording).
Gras Hvergi er Georg Pétur Sveinbjörnsson.
Lagið kom upphaflega út í safnútgáfuni Not Our World Alone undir flytjandanafni Inside Bilderberg, sem er annað sviðsnafn Georgs Péturs.
Hljóðskrá frá höfundi 17.4. 2019 gegnum Google Drive.