Hyldýpi er Herbert Már Sigmundsson.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
released October 9, 2016
Words by Alan Watts.
Afritað 16.10. 2020 af: https://hyldypi.bandcamp.com/track/alan-watts-ambient
Brimslóð skipa:
Atli Finnsson, gítar
Aurora Erika Luciano 2000, bassi
Ýmir Franz Guðnason 2000, trommur og slagverk.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
written & recorded in two days for our school's art week.
Afritað 10. 8. 2016 af: https://brimslod.bandcamp.com/releases
Brimslóð skipa:
Atli Finnsson, gítar
Aurora Erika Luciano 2000, bassi
Ýmir Franz Guðnason 2000, trommur og slagverk.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
written & recorded in two days for our school's art week.
Afritað 10. 8. 2016 af: https://brimslod.bandcamp.com/releases
Brimslóð skipa:
Atli Finnsson, gítar
Aurora Erika Luciano 2000, bassi
Ýmir Franz Guðnason 2000, trommur og slagverk.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
written & recorded in two days for our school's art week.
Afritað 10. 8. 2016 af: https://brimslod.bandcamp.com/releases
Brimslóð skipa:
Atli Finnsson, gítar
Aurora Erika Luciano 2000, rödd og bassi
Ýmir Franz Guðnason 2000, trommur og slagverk.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
written & recorded in two days for our school's art week.
Afritað 10. 8. 2016 af: https://brimslod.bandcamp.com/releases
Brimslóð skipa:
Atli Finnsson, gítar
Aurora Erika Luciano 2000, bassi
Ýmir Franz Guðnason 2000, trommur og slagverk.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
written & recorded in two days for our school's art week.
Afritað 10. 8. 2016 af: https://brimslod.bandcamp.com/releases
Hyldýpi er Herbert Már Sigmundsson.
Texti af Bandcamp:
Þetta lag er tileinkað mínum yndislega bróður,sem hefur oftar en hann veit haldið mér hér.
Ég vona að þið finnið kjark til þess að senda frá ykkur ást á þessum dimmu tímum.
Ég vona að þið getið fundið hugarró innra með ykkur og látið ykkur líða vel.
Það er mín einlægasta bón að öllum hér geti liðið vel.
Ást, friður, von og væntumþykja til alls sem er, alls sem var og alls sem koma skal.
released January 20, 2017
Music: Herbert
Artwork: Herbert
Afritað 16.10. 2020 af: https://hyldypi.bandcamp.com/track/br-ir
Hyldýpi er Herbert Már Sigmundsson.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
Released March 23rd, 2017
CAT Helga093
All tracks Written by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Mastered by Frosti Jonsson
Artwork by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Album Cover Design by Stefan Olafsson
Hyldýpi´s music is inspired by his spiritual connection with nature & his admiration of the Krautrock scene developed in West Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The outcome is a beautiful Aural landscape – musical space, evoking a sense of being. Umbreyting is his mantra for love and healing, united and more peaceful world. These songs are Hyldýpi´s prayers of hope.
Hljóðskrá 5.8. frá Möller Records gegnum Google Drive.
Hyldýpi er Herbert Már Sigmundsson.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
Released March 23rd, 2017
CAT Helga093
All tracks Written by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Mastered by Frosti Jonsson
Artwork by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Album Cover Design by Stefan Olafsson
Hyldýpi´s music is inspired by his spiritual connection with nature & his admiration of the Krautrock scene developed in West Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The outcome is a beautiful Aural landscape – musical space, evoking a sense of being. Umbreyting is his mantra for love and healing, united and more peaceful world. These songs are Hyldýpi´s prayers of hope.
Hljóðskrá 5.8. frá Möller Records gegnum Google Drive.
Hyldýpi er Herbert Már Sigmundsson.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
Released March 23rd, 2017
CAT Helga093
All tracks Written by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Mastered by Frosti Jonsson
Artwork by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Album Cover Design by Stefan Olafsson
Hyldýpi´s music is inspired by his spiritual connection with nature & his admiration of the Krautrock scene developed in West Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The outcome is a beautiful Aural landscape – musical space, evoking a sense of being. Umbreyting is his mantra for love and healing, united and more peaceful world. These songs are Hyldýpi´s prayers of hope.
Hljóðskrá 5.8. frá Möller Records gegnum Google Drive.
Hyldýpi er Herbert Már Sigmundsson.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
Released March 23rd, 2017
CAT Helga093
All tracks Written by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Mastered by Frosti Jonsson
Artwork by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Album Cover Design by Stefan Olafsson
Hyldýpi´s music is inspired by his spiritual connection with nature & his admiration of the Krautrock scene developed in West Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The outcome is a beautiful Aural landscape – musical space, evoking a sense of being. Umbreyting is his mantra for love and healing, united and more peaceful world. These songs are Hyldýpi´s prayers of hope.
Hljóðskrá 5.8. frá Möller Records gegnum Google Drive.
Hyldýpi er Herbert Már Sigmundsson.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
Released March 23rd, 2017
CAT Helga093
All tracks Written by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Mastered by Frosti Jonsson
Artwork by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Album Cover Design by Stefan Olafsson
Hyldýpi´s music is inspired by his spiritual connection with nature & his admiration of the Krautrock scene developed in West Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The outcome is a beautiful Aural landscape – musical space, evoking a sense of being. Umbreyting is his mantra for love and healing, united and more peaceful world. These songs are Hyldýpi´s prayers of hope.
Hljóðskrá 5.8. frá Möller Records gegnum Google Drive.
Hyldýpi er Herbert Már Sigmundsson.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
Released March 23rd, 2017
CAT Helga093
All tracks Written by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Mastered by Frosti Jonsson
Artwork by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Album Cover Design by Stefan Olafsson
Hyldýpi´s music is inspired by his spiritual connection with nature & his admiration of the Krautrock scene developed in West Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The outcome is a beautiful Aural landscape – musical space, evoking a sense of being. Umbreyting is his mantra for love and healing, united and more peaceful world. These songs are Hyldýpi´s prayers of hope.
Hljóðskrá 5.8. frá Möller Records gegnum Google Drive.
Hyldýpi er Herbert Már Sigmundsson.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
Released March 23rd, 2017
CAT Helga093
All tracks Written by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Mastered by Frosti Jonsson
Artwork by Herbert Már Sigmundsson
Album Cover Design by Stefan Olafsson
Hyldýpi´s music is inspired by his spiritual connection with nature & his admiration of the Krautrock scene developed in West Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The outcome is a beautiful Aural landscape – musical space, evoking a sense of being. Umbreyting is his mantra for love and healing, united and more peaceful world. These songs are Hyldýpi´s prayers of hope.
Hljóðskrá 5.8. frá Möller Records gegnum Google Drive.
Hyldýpi er Herbert Már Sigmundsson.
Upplýsingar af Bandcamp:
released October 9, 2016
Words by Alan Watts.
Afritað 16.10. 2020 af: https://hyldypi.bandcamp.com/track/alan-watts-ambient