Titill: Anna

Upplýsingar á Bandcamp:
Anna is a labour organiser and care worker who moved to Iceland after finishing her master’s degree in Kraków.
Living in Reykjavík, she worked within various occupations as a housekeeper, cleaner, waitress and teacher in an after-school programme.
The recordings in this song are from a phone conversation that Anna had with her friend back in Poland. In addition, we hear excerpts from Anna’s speech during a protest march at the general strike in Reykjavík in the spring of 2019. She held her speech both in English and Polish, advocating for low-income workers and the migrant workforce. People of Polish origin constitute 5% of Iceland’s population and are the largest immigrant group.
Vestur í bláinn is an experimental music project on immigration in Iceland.
It aims to be a space for voices, different languages and stories of people from diverse origins, that are rarely heard in the context of arts or the public in general.
Along with the release of the music project, 'Vestur í bláinn' will be presented as a multidisciplinary art exhibition in Iceland from September 3rd to September 30th. The exhibition takes place in ten public locations all over Reykjavík, with the participation of various local artists, curated by Claire Paugam and Julius Pollux Rothlaender.
All proceedings from sales on bandcamp will be donated to No Borders Iceland.
All music written, recorded and produced by Julius Pollux Rothlaender.
Sigurlaug Thorarensen, vocals.
Tumi Árnason, saxophone.
Finnbogi Örn Einarsson, vocals.
Mixed by Greg Giorgio.
Artwork by Claire Paugam.
Afritað 2.11. 2020 af: https://juliuspollux.bandcamp.com/releases

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